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SECURITY ADVICE: Do not join random Minecraft Servers! LOG4J
SupaYoshi Admin Builders / Creators
27 posts
22 topics
Discord: SupaYoshi#0001
over 2 years ago

Dear Minecraft Java Edition players,

We want to bring to your attention an important safety concern: Please be extremely cautious about the servers you connect to in the Java edition of Minecraft. There have been instances where hacked Discord accounts are sending private invitations to other Minecraft servers. While it might seem harmless to check them out, be aware that some of these servers still have the log4j exploit active, as they have not updated to a newer version intentionally. This exploit can potentially lead to your account being stolen or your computer being compromised.

We strongly advise you to be very selective about the servers you join. Stick to well-trusted servers and avoid those sent to you via direct messages.

Stay safe and ensure you play on a safe and trusted server!

Last edited: 7 months ago x 1
SupaYoshi Admin Builders / Creators
27 posts
22 topics
Discord: SupaYoshi#0001
7 months ago

Warning: Please note that the content of this post is now outdated and should be considered historical. The information was relevant for the year 2021.